MATH141 Calculus II (Fall 2019)
For details about grading, academic integrity and ADS please consult the course syllabus .

Office Hours: WTh 2:00-3:00, MTH 0206
Email: martinmf math umd edu
Lecture : MWTh 3:00-4:15, MTH B0423

Please feel free to provide feeback on this course and suggestions to improve it:

Math Tutoring . There is free tutoring offered by the math department. The schedule can be found here.

Be sure to also check the Math Success Program .

Course Description. Continuation of MATH140, including techniques of integration, improper integrals, applications of integration (such as volumes, work, arc length, moments), inverse functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, sequences and series.

Prerequisites. Required: Minimum grade of C- in MATH140. Or 1 course with a minimum grade of B- from (MATH130, MATH136); and permission of CMNS-Mathematics department.

Books . Calculus with Concepts in Calculus, by Ellis and Gulick, Sixth Edition.

Exam 1 Solutions to exam 1
Exam 2 Solutions to exam 2
Exam 3 Solutions to exam 3
Exam 4 Solutions to exam 4

Solutions to quiz 1 Solutions to quiz 5
Solutions to quiz 2 Solutions to quiz 6
Solutions to quiz 3 Solutions to quiz 7
Solutions to quiz 4 Solutions to quiz 8

Tentative Course Schedule
The dates for the exams are clearly labeled. The dates for the quizzes will be marked with a Q.

Date Title Section Suggested Homework
Mo 8.26 Introduction \ Calculus I review
We 8.28 Volume 6.1 1-7
Th 8.29 Length of a Curve 6.2 1-17
Mo 9.2 Labor Day
We 9.4 Parametrized Curves 6.7 1-12
Th 9.5
Length of a Curve Given Parametrically 6.8 1-3
Mo 9.9 Work 6.4 1-17
We 9.11 Moments and Center of Gravity 6.5 5-24
Th 9.12 Inverse Functions 7.1 1-14, 25-48
Mo 9.16
The Natural Exponential Function 7.2 1-4, 13-23
We 9.18 Review
Th 9.19 Exam 1
Mo 9.23 General Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 7.3 1-24
We 9.25 The Inverse Trigonometric Functions 7.5 1-26, 33-52
Th 9.26 L'Hospital's Rule
Complete Proof of L'Hospitals Rule
7.6 1-50
Mo 9.30
Introduction to Differential Equations
Direction Field Plotter.
7.7 1-18
We 10.2 Methods of Solving Differential Equations 7.8 1-22
Th 10.3 Integration by Parts 8.1 1-28
Mo 10.7
Trigonometric Integrals 8.2 1-58
We 10.9 Review
Th 10.10 Exam 2
Mo 10.14 Trigonometric Substitutions 8.3 1-45
We 10.16 Partial Fractions 8.4 1-29
Th 10.17 The Trapezoidal Rule and Simpson's Rule
Trapezoidal and Simpson's Rules Calculator
8.6 1-8, 17
Mo 10.21
Improper Integrals 8.7 1-60
We 10.23 Polynomial Approximations
Taylor Polynomial Calculator
9.1 7-16, 18-27
Th 10.24 Sequences 9.2 1-38
Mo 10.28
Convergence Properties of Sequences 9.3 1-31
We 10.30 Review
Th 10.31 Exam 3
Mo 11.4 Infinite Series 9.4 1-47
We 11.6 Positive Series: The Integral Test and the Comparison Tests 9.5 1-26
Th 11.7 Positive Series: The Ratio Test and the Root Test 9.6 1-25
Mo 11.11
Alternating Series and Absolute Convergence 9.7 1-15, 23-38
We 11.13 Power Series
Power Series Grapher
9.8 1-29
Th 11.14 Power Series 9.8 1-29
Mo 11.18
Taylor Series 9.9 1-30
We 11.20 Complex Numbers I
Th 11.21 Review
Mo 11.25 Exam 4
We 11.27 Thanksgiving Recess
Th 11.28 Thanksgiving Recess
Mo 12.2 Complex Numbers II
Roots of a Complex Number.
We 12.4 The Polar Coordinate System
Cartesian and Polar Grapher
10.1 1-52
Th 12.5 Length and Area in Polar Coordinates 10.2 1-34
Mo 12.9 Review